Step 1 – On Helix click on membership then memberships. A list of memberships will appear.
Step 2 – Click on the drop down option for system views and click on memberships due membership packs and check how many are due.
Step 3 – Cross check addresses. You will need to do this to make sure all addresses are formatted correctly. To do this, you will need to click on the export to Excel option. This will export as a static worksheet.
Step 4 – Update details/format as necessary. This will need to be done on the individual member/s contact page.
Step 5 – Email the print-room to inform and confirm all details have been updated.
Step 6 – Once processed, the print-room will provide the list to cross check the details on the membership pack/cards/welcome letter are correct prior to sending.
Step 7 – To generate the welcome letters for cross checking, you will need to:
2. Reports
3. Welcome Letter – A Report viewer screen will appear.
4. Run Report
5. Save As PDF
Step 8 – Cross check addresses, spacing, salutation is correct. If not correct, you will need to place the members details on a separate spreadsheet so you can update records once you have finished cross checking the report. Once details have been updated, you will need to re-run the report as shown on step 7.