Assuming that the refund is not for the full amount of the invoice. You can do the following:
Step 1 – Open the Company record
Step 2 – Go to the the Invoice section on the record and click the grid. This will populate the invoice Associated view page
Step 3 – Enter the due date 30 days ahead, Name and PO number or SS Number and the Invoice Description.
Step 4 – Click on Save. This will leave the invoice as open for you to add records to the invoice.
Step 5 – Go to the member’s record to renew their membership using membership processing.
Step 6 – On the members record, click renew. This will populate the membership processing screen.
Step 7 - Change the Invoicing Entity from Individual to Study Centre from the drop down selection.
Step 8 - Type in the Study Centre ID, number, or Name and then click the Magnify glass to search for the company
Step 9 - Select the Study Centre from this list by selecting ADD
Step 10 - Very important if this is an invoice on QA or Knowledge pool etc. And the membership is to be set to current straight away you must tick Create as Current.
Step 11 – Click on Renew Membership. The Membership will be renewed and the fee added to the open invoice on the Study Centre’s record.
- The Membership record will show as current and under current membership – Study Centre it show the centre that the fee has been applied to and the Invoice Narrative
- You would continue manually adding renewals or new memberships to the invoice until completed.
Step 12 - You then need to complete the Invoice on the study center's record. Go back to the record and open the invoice.
Step 13 – Click on the Open invoice. You will see the fees added to the record.
Step 14 - When you are happy the invoice and all is correct, you need to change the status reason from Open to Invoiced.
Step 15 – To send the invoice, click on the 3 dots, run the report to send the invoice study centre. - The Description i.e. December 2015 Membership will appear in the top section of the invoice not in the body of the invoice
- There is a second page which will show the breakdown of the invoice this is to be sent to the study centre as well.